
Nuestra casa, nuestra casa!

Yes, it is our house now!

The wire transfers came through, the signatures are done, the notario is paid, and the house is ours!

After so much buildup is was incredibly easy. Happy faces and handshakes all around.

I went to dinner with the former owner of our house (wow that was fun to type) last night and it was great to finally relax and get to know each other now that it is over! He is getting going on his next renovation project, and has promised to take me there before I leave Mazatan this time.

A couple of notable experiences:

I bought a cell phone from a woman who had basically no English. I bought the Amigo kit from Telcel. It is a cheap phone that you use phone cards with....but should be fine for us for the time being. But the notable thing here is that it was a challenging transaction for me and my Spanish but I did it! And it was fun!

Paul and I had a video chat last night. We both have webcams on our computers, and when the vonage phone here was acting up we just went to the computers. It was great! The picture is very good, and I even got to see the dogs! The only problem is I even missed him more afterwards. We will really try to get people in the US to use this if possible - it was fun, free, and much nicer than talking on a phone.


Paul said...

It was fun to do the video call, but now it is time to get your real self back home, we all miss you.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations you two!

Welcome to a select group of expatriate landowners in Mexico.

Oh and GET A ROOM you two - you wish!

John Calypso

Anonymous said...

I have the Amigo kit and it works fine. You can buy as little as 100 pesos and it is good for 60 days. Congratulations on the house.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Paul and Nancy! It must feel so good to have it be a done deal.

We recommend the Amigo system wholeheartedly, and share your excitement about conducting business entirely in Spanish. We were remarking on that just today, the amount we do with only about a 60% idea of what is being said. We just borrowed 12k for a car with no help or translation...good stuff.

jillian said...

yay you!